HDLRC 2017

Kish Best Veteran in Sweeps and her son

Corbin, BOS Juvenile Sweeps

Judge: Julie Mackinnon


LRCC Regional Specialty 2017 ~ What a thrill for us!


Breeder Judge Val Walters and Carol Brech

Kish - Best Veteran in Sweeps and Regular classes and JAM

Jace - Reserve WD  (Kish son) 

Blaze - BPIB (Kish Grandaughter) 

Title 2

Kish at Rose City shown by Kerry Edinger, Angela Rogalla and Cathy Hakola

Artesian Labradors

MBISS/BOSS Am/Can CH Somersun Artesian Silk Stocking WC



Somersun Classie Chassie X CH Nipntuck Stocking Stuffer

Bred by Katie Somers, Jessica Harper Somersun Labradors

Good hips, normal elbows, Echo Normal, PRA and EIC Clear

Title 1

Title 1

IPLRC 2017

BISS Judge: Allison Rogers

Best in Veteran Sweeps, Jolene Lingnau


HDLRC 2017

BISS and Best Veteran, Shari Kirschner

Best in Veteran Sweeps, Dr. Kathy Sneider




2017 has been an incredible year!! 


Rose City LRC 2017 - Best Veteran in Sweeps under breeder judge Anne Maynard!! Thank you to Cathy Hakola for showing her to this win.


*She also won her Veteran class and went onto win a JAM under breeder judge Linda Vaughn! A huge thank you to Angela Rogalla and Kerry Edinger for showing her to this win.


PSLRA KISS 2017- Kish wins BISS from the veterans class under breeder judge Judy Heim.

PSLRA Specialty 2017 - BOS Veterans Sweeps under Ron Kelley. She was again BOS Veterans to her lovely father, and a JAM under breeder judge Tom Shearer.


LRCC Regional specialty - Best Veteran in sweeps and the regular classes and JAM, Breeder judges Valerie Walters and Carol Brech.

BCLRC -  BOSS and Best Veteran under breeder judge Diann Sullivan


IPLRC  - BISS and Best Veteran, Breeder judge Allison Rogers

Best Veteran in Sweeps, breeder judge Jolene Lingnau










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